Takasaki Glass Maker, Akira Kimura

Takasaki Glass Maker, Akira Kimura

高崎のグラスメーカー 木村 明

Clear and Pure SimplicityManipulating Color and Shape

Takasaki Glass Maker, Akira KimuraDelicate balance between the soft changes of sunshine, and the air between. Glass is the perfect vessel for capturing the transition of the seasons. Glass is the image of summer in Japan as a cocktail glass under a beach parasol or a glass bottle of barley tea on a verandah, yet in northern Europe a glass object placed by the window to capture the sun’s rays bringing warmth to the room is associated with winter. Fascinated by the multi-facets of glass, Akira Kimura continues to create glass products. He was one of the very first glass craftsmen in Japan and has been around since small glass ateliers first started to appear. He is also known for his creation of the glass trophy in the shape of a woman presented to winners at the Takasaki Film Festival.